AsiaPEX International SSG Workshop

Decadal Challenges in Asian Monsoon Process Studies

The International Workshop on Decadal Challenges in Asian Monsoon Process Studies was held in Nagoya, Japan from 2 to 5 September, 2019. This workshop was sponsored by the Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University.

This workshop offered opportunities to discuss and identify key challenges in the hydroclimate science in the upcoming decade to develop a science plan of the AsiaPEX (Asian Precipitation Experiment) project, which recently started as a prospect RHP (Regional Hydroclimatological Project) under the auspices of the GEWEX. This workshop focused on two research areas: the climate projection and subseasonal to seasonal (S2S) prediction of the Asian monsoon system. The focus areas included the variability and change of the Asian monsoon system in all seasons including winter, and all Asian countries under the influence of the monsoon climate. A working draft of the AsiaPEX science plan is being prepared so as to reflect key challenges of the Asian monsoon process studies.

This workshop concluded a plan of review paper on the decadal challenges in Asian precipitation studies.

Date and Venue

  • Date: 02-05 September
  • Venue: Room# 409, Research Institutes Building II, Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-8601, Japan
